The Races

There are six major ‘civilized’ races that populate the Lands of Former Nerath. Among themselves they vary wildly in terms of everything from physical build to skin colour, but these variations are easily overlooked in the face of what would be more technically referred to as other species.

Note, these descriptions have more to do with what particulars apply to these races in this world’s current circumstances. In terms of characteristics like height and age and etcetera they are roughly analogous to D&D’s standard / Forgotten Realms setting.



Formerly dominant in the Silver Empire of Nerath, Humans often carry with them an ancestral arrogance that does not match their current circumstances. They can often be found reaching for the glories of their past rather than looking towards the future. That may not be meritless however, as what wealth and power that still exists still tend to be concentrated in Human hands. Influential figures like the Queen Yvonne Melissa Nerath and Grand Duke Arthur Ian Nerath have both publicly declared their intentions to reform the Old Empire.




Though formerly dominant in the Silver Empire of Nerath, Dwarves differ from Humans in that they have left memories of the Silver Empire behind. Their houses and clans are spread across the Lands, but of late something of a cultural ruling council has formed in the Clifflands city of Quarrycrest. The particulars of this council are guarded as a secret from other races, and even many of the more eastern Dwarves who are separated from it by distance as much as temperment.




Historical enemies of Nerath from a land far across the Great Sea, Elves once lived as second-class citizens though that time is mostly forgotten. Most Elves in the Lands of Former Nerath, despite subraces considered by their own people, consider themselves ‘Silver Elves’ due to being born, raised, and culturally attuned to the people around them. The one exception is the town of Edhelbar in The Woodlands where Elven elders try to teach and maintain the traditions of their people. Many Silver Elves regard these elders however as ‘country bumpkins’.



Gnomes never wielded any real power in the Silver Empire of Nerath, not because of a lack of ability but more due to a lack of interest. Their zest for life drives them to be explorers and inventors, and the collapse of the Empire for them was a tragedy only in all the knowledge that was lost which they seek to regain. They are scattered and disorganized across the Former Lands, but then, they always were.




Inquisitive wanderers by nature, Tortles were stereotyped as the wise and well-learned archivists and teachers of the Silver Empire. In truth Tortles have a proud cultural tradition of ninja, and their observations usually have a martial bent in mind. Nowadays Tortles are still often treated with a certain respect by the other races, both for their wisdom and their presumed combat expertise. Though not uncommon, their numbers appear to be less than that of other races.




Hailing from the Domina Islands to the West, the Loxodon came to the mainland only after the fall of the Empire. As a consequence they tend to be fascinated by the history of the Former Lands of Nerath. This combined with their studious nature means they often know more about it than the ‘natives’.