The Clifflands



The largest city in The Clifflands. Bolderfall is a town vertically layered, which has resulted in a sorting of the inhabitants by class, with the wealthiest sitting at the top, the shops and inns in the middle, and the commoner district found at the bottom.
Garron Hammerstone’s hometown.

Clifflands Arena

Every region has an arena that invites potential champions to battle for the amusement of the crowds. Generally these duels are not to the death, but accidents happen and sometimes grudges need settling. Gambling on these battles is one of the common pastimes of those who can afford it, and make it to the arenas safely.

Dragon's Paths

These narrow canyons that separate The Clifflands from The Riverlands are notable defensive points. There is more than one dramatic legend of heroic defenders holding these passes against hordes of enemies.

Ironcliff Mine

A seemingly bottomless mine with endless veins of iron, silver, and more. Many in The Clifflands seek their fortune here and many come seeking just an honest day’s work. The burgeoning Dwarven Council maintains much of their influence through their investiture in the mine.

Guided by the Shadow masquerading as Gunna Hammerstone, The Party entered a long-sealed tunnel to clear it of dangerous monsters. At the other end they found an entrance to the throne room of the first Dwarven king (and his treasures, an ancient OmKey and an Orb of Nightmares), greatly impressing Khudar Dragonslayer.


A smaller city and the Westmost settlement in the Former Lands. It is often used as a base for those who wish the hunt the beasts of The Rubehwood.


Although smaller than Bolderfall, Quarrycrest is considered the capital of The Clifflands due to its proximity to the Ironcliff Mine. It’s central location makes it ideal for the processing of mined ore, and the burgeoning Dwarven Council has claimed a large Manse here as its base of operations.

With the appointment of a new King, construction has started on a palace.

The Party arrived here after Garron was chosen to be King of the Dwarves to find the city thick with conspiracy. The Party did their best to have as minimal an impact as possible on the goings-on while searching for an OmKey for Furnace. After obtaining one they quickly fled.

The Rubehwood

A dense forest known to be the home of particularly rare and frightening beasts. Hunters consider it a sign of expertise to have hunted successfully here, but just as often end up hunted themselves.