The Frostlands



An entire city built into a single massive structure, a legacy of the Silver Empire of Nerath. Cathedral was the center of religious worship for the people of the Former Lands of Nerath, and the devout make a practice of annual pilgrimages to the site. From here the Bishops of the Ministry of the Pantheon held services and gave sermons that set the example for worshippers throughout the Former Lands. Although many cities in The Frostlands are beginning to work as a united nation under the rule of Queen Yvonne Melissa Nerath, the Bishops of Cathedral continued to ignore her attempts to impose her authority on them.

As tensions rose, the Queen’s Army of Nerath had been expanding across The Frostlands and encircled Cathedral, enacting a siege in all but name. The party had noted that this began shortly after Morphidel took control of Atheneum and pledged it to the Queen’s service.

Shortly after the defeat of the Red Mother, leading to the disorientation of the Ordo Sororal, the Army of Nerath broke through the Ministry’s defenses and launched a full assault that destroyed Cathedral.


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Once the Dwarven fortress of Kar’Thad, Coldfort has expanded into a large city almost in spite of its remote location. The Queen Yvonne Melissa Nerath has her palace here and it is from here that she hopes to re-stablish the fallen Silver Empire. With the exception of Cathedral, the other settlements in The Frostlands have started to work together under her rule.

The party came to Coldfort at the request of Gundren Rockseeker who enlisted them in a complex heist to recover the deed to the wealthy Hoyle estate which would prove it was his family that owned it and not the Hoyle’s. Unfortunately the heist unknowingly went off at the same time as a similar plan launched by a Cult of Thanaset who recovered a magical gemstone from the Hoyle’s vault to use for a nefarious spell. The party successfully confronted the cult and foiled their plans as well as recovering the deed and several other valuables - all of which were delivered to Gundren before the party made a quick exit from the city.

Frostlands Arena

Every region has an arena that invites potential champions to battle for the amusement of the crowds. Generally these duels are not to the death, but accidents happen and sometimes grudges need settling. Gambling on these battles is one of the common pastimes of those who can afford it, and make it to the arenas safely.



The largest settlement in The Frostlands and a bustling city that sees people of every race, class, and creed rub shoulders on a daily basis. The city is loosely divided into six districts named for the most well known of the mythical Silver Knights of Nerath. As the districts were decided on well after the growth of the city, they are a hodgepodge of housing, markets, storefronts, workshops, and more.

The city is ruled by an elected council but they in turn are dominated by a Governor who has sworn allegiance to Queen Yvonne Melissa Nerath in Coldfort. Northreach has since become the home of her growing armies. This has been good for the city’s development, but has made the citizenry uneasy, used as they are to a more carefree lifestyle.


A small village that is somewhat comically almost completely buried every winter when the snows come. Although pleasant on the surface, the criminal class knows that almost anything can be bought or traded for the right price here. The village Mayor lived in the somewhat distant Stillsnow Manor, which was closed off to the citizens except for rare private audiences which are arranged at great effort and expense.

After the mayor was banished and the Manor seized by The party, the town has shifted to governing itself more directly.

Stillsnow Manor

The mysterious manor that is home to the Mayor of Stillsnow. It is impossible to get in without an appointment, but how to get such an appointment is a mystery to the average citizen.

The party infiltrated the manor after learning that the secret temple of the Ordo Sororal lay beneath it. Following the battle there, the mayor was driven out as part of Phillipe’s Operation: Arctic Thunder Hammer. He then turned the manor over to the party to use as their base of operations, making the party nobility (on paper) in the Queen’s court.

The manor is currently garrisoned by a unit of the Queen’s troops, mostly made up of permanent hire-ons from the Sacred Trust mercenaries. Phillipe is confident that he has bought the loyalty of most of them. Mostly.