The Coastlands


Captain’s Bane

While there are a number of small caverns on this part of the coast, the area gets its name from the ever increasing number of shipwrecks that wash up on its shore. It seems that whenever a ship is destroyed in The Basin, somehow the currents eventually deposit the wreck here.

Coastlands Arena

Every region has an arena that invites potential champions to battle for the amusement of the crowds. Generally these duels are not to the death, but accidents happen and sometimes grudges need settling. Gambling on these battles is one of the common pastimes of those who can afford it, and make it to the arenas safely.
The party won a match here against some of the Knights Errant. They then picked Tortonymous from among their number to fight in an exhibition match which turned out to be against Champion candidate Siren Odessa, who made short work of him.


A fortress that was built to be the first line of defense of the Silver Empire of Nerath against the Elves from the far east across the great sea. As no ships have been sighted since the fall of the Silver Empire a millennia ago, the fortress has since fallen into disrepair.


A smaller city that has seen a recent revitalization due to trade with Fallscourt to the south. Progress on this is slow however, and the locals maintain a common belief that this is due at least in part to evil curses from the Sealed Tomb to the west.



Once a grand marketplace in the times of the Silver Empire, lack of contact with other nations across the sea has led to this once prosperous city’s decline. The remaining wealthy struggle desperately to maintain their lifestyle while the ever increasing ranks of the poor have resulted in frequent crime and conflict.
The party arrived in Grandport while travelling on a Trustworthy Shipping vessel and participated in a clandestine drop-off of cargo nearby. While there they decided to participate in the battles at the local arena to make a profit. They later left only having been temporarily robbed.

Sealed Tomb

A mysterious structure built into the base of a mountain that is considered by the superstitious to be a source of great evil. Whatever the truth of the matter is, even skeptics habitually avoid the area - just in case.

Seaview Coasts

A winding path through breathtakingly beautiful beaches, the Seaview Coasts are often the setting of romance and courtship tales. While they aren’t settled per se, a number of inns and shops do good business here and are fiercely guarded against troublesome monsters in order to encourage visitors. Adventurers are often well rewarded for thinning monster herds or destroying nests.

The Basin

Not a part of the Coastlands per se, The Basin is the name given to the portion of the sea that divides the Former Lands almost in half from east to west. While sailing along the coast is routine, it is known that trying to sail directly across inevitably leads to disaster. The center of The Basin is constantly wracked by sudden storms that have sunk every vessel that has tried to cross in recorded history.

The party sailed around The Basin aboard the Trustworthy Shipping vessel Memories of Maztica to travel to the south to search for Thanaset worshippers. Along the way they encountered a vessel caught in the edge of the storm, whose crew had become murderous zombie-like creatures through unknown magical means. The party managed to recover the vessel’s cargo and Allinav recovered a powerful magical greatsword from one of the creatures - although he dreams about the storm whenever the blade has seen some use.

The party later sailed The Basin again to return to the north. During the journey they seized a vessel belonging to the Dwarven Council that tried to board and search their ship. The ship was turned over to Trustworthy Shipping for their use.