The Party


Half-Elf Paladin, Oath of the Ancients

Allinav was raised in Stonegard in a wealthy, influential, and religious family who all but mandated he become a Paladin of Moradin. He left to avoid the life planned out for him and to find one for himself.


Human (Kalashtar) Cleric, Nature Domain

Born in Clearbrook into a moderately religious family devoted to Melora, Meltari was always seen as odd. This was eventually at least partially explained when it was discovered that she had been bound to a powerful spirit; a Quori called Tarim. As a Kalashtar, she now ventures abroad spreading good and cheer.

Protector Aasimar Paladin, Oath of Devotion

Once the mediator and conscience of the party, Kirian was killed by a False Hydra in the town of Cobbleston. A statue is all that remains of his memory.

Garron Hammerstone
Dwarf Ranger, Hunter

Garron left home in Bolderfall after the loss of his brother in a mining accident. His time spent in the wilderness, once just an escape from tragedy, has become a boon to him as an adventurer.


Tortonymous Bosch
Tortle Barbarian, Path of the Totem Warrior

Tortonymous left his large family behind in Duskbarrow when his devotion to the Path of the Bear was revealed. He once wandered the Former Lands in search of adventure, but also of his inspiration and one-time mentor, Hamato Howlclaw.
Tortonymous sacrificed himself at Kadingir Sanctum so that the party could enter Asmodeus’ palace at Immora.

Tortonymous Bosch?
Undead Barbarian

This Tortle corpse has been animated with unusual skill and sophistication, and speaks with Tortonymous’ voice and has his memories.