
The Gladiators are arguably the most skilled warriors in The Former Lands, and their competitions in the arenas are the source of the majority of entertainment for the people. The greatest among them enjoy a life of celebrity and hero worship; so long as their skills remain sharp.

Aurora Vasari

A Tortle gladiator and one of the eight champions who qualified for the Grand Tournament.

She was defeated by Tortonymous in an arena match and subsequently arrested and brought to justice by the AMNT for a number of crimes.

Garret Jaguar

A Human gladiator and one of the eight champions who qualified for the Grand Tournament.

He was defeated by Spectre Blood in the first round of the tournament.

Gray Noton

A Human gladiator and the current reigning Grand Champion.

He fought Siren Odessa to a draw in the first round of the tournament.

Hamato Howlclaw

A Human gladiator and one of the eight champions who qualify for the Grand Tournament.

She defeated Shathur Blacklock in the first round of the tournament.

A wanderer, she has extensively travelled the Former Lands. During these journeys she encountered a young Tortonymous and became something of a mentor to him. Much later, the two would meet again as gladiatorial rivals in the Sunlands Arena. The match was cancelled leaving open the question of who was stronger, and she left him with some sage advice about how there was more to life then just swinging an axe.


An Elven gladiator and one of the eight champions who qualified for the Grand Tournament.

The party heard in passing that Kasigi had been killed in a match with Tortonymous - presumably Tortonymousdoppelganger.

Shathur Blacklock

An unusually tall Dwarven gladiator and one of the eight champions who qualified for the Grand Tournament.

He was defeated by Hamato Howlclaw in the first round of the tournament.

The party discovered that he is the result of an amalgam of their one-time companion Namdooga and a centuries-old Dwarven ghost.

Siren Odessa

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A Human gladiator and one of the eight champions who qualify for the Grand Tournament.

She fought Gray Noton to a draw in the first round of the tournament.

She handily defeated Tortonymous in an arena match during which Meltari experienced a paranatural sense of awe and fear. Meltari later spoke to Odessa via her mind link during which Odessa revealed a familiarity with Meltari’s Quori Tarim.

Later Odessa would confront Meltari again, seeming to insist on speaking with the reluctant Tarim rather than “his Human”. During this confrontation Meltari was able to connect with Tarim directly, after which the two found they were able to converse in dreams.

When Phillipe prepared his Operation: Arctic Thunder Hammer to rescue the party from the secret temple of the Ordo Sororal, Odessa was hired to be a member of the team, having been nearby as part of another of Phillipe’s business arrangements.

Spectre Blood

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A Loxodon gladiator and one of the eight champions who qualify for the Grand Tournament.

He defeated Garret Jaguar in the first round of the tournament.

The party briefly encountered him after Tortonymous’ debut performance in the Flatlands Arena, where he was hyping up his later matches to an adoring crowd.